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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A woman wearing a jeweled headpiece sneaks around outside an encampment, gathering swords. She looks up, as if caught by surprise, doing something she shouldn't be doing. She has left two swords upright in the ground, indicating that she is picking and choosing the ones she wants.

The Seven of Swords indicates the potential for thievery sneaking about, and trickery. Someone involved in the situation has decided to use subterfuge to achieve his or her goals, which may or may not be honorable. A strategic plan has been devised and enacted and will likely be successful, at least as a means to an end.

If reversed, this card warns that such a tricky plan will not work out and whoever attempts it will be exposed.

Use your intuition

  • Who lives in the tents and what is this woman's relationship to them?
  • She leaves two swords behind. What do they symbolize?

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